Ep. 4 - Psychological Safety Part 1: What is Psychological Safety? w/ Jane Yrenaya

Years ago, innovation was a huge buzzword in the corporate world and every company was throwing the term around without truly understanding what it meant… and when they did, they dropped the term quicker than a hot potato. Now, there seems to be a new buzzword… Psychological safety. Psychological safety seems to be one of those hot ticket items right now in the corporate world, but I fear it may meet the same fate as innovation some years down the road like a trend that was passing by or “The Flavor of the Month.” Therefore, we felt it might be worth holding an informed discussion around psychological safety and tell you that it has always been around and that it is here to stay if you want to tap into the best talents of your team. If we begin looking at employees as people first, then employees second, we will fully appreciate the human condition and that a person’s response to fear is natural. Because this response can stifle creativity in the workplace and overall well-being of employees, perhaps this is an opportunity for people in the workplace to interact with one another in a different way? In this episode we sit down with Jane Yrenaya, who works for one the most trusted leadership development companies in the world, to discuss ways Psychological Safety can impact the ability to be creative in the workplace.

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Ep. 5 - Psychological Safety Part 2: How Can Individual Contributors Impact Psychological Safety? w/ Jane Yrenaya


Ep. 3 - License to Fail