Join the FreedomCast Network

Have a podcast idea for something about which you are passionate? Contact us with “New Podcast: “ and the title of your podcast in the subject line plus a short description of your idea in the email. We meet regularly to discuss the production of prospective additions to the network; if there is potential alignment, we will reach back out to you.

Benefits Include:

  1. Assistance setting up a new podcast or transferring an existing one.

  2. Consulting services regarding equipment, branding, and distribution.

  3. Provision of digital infrastructure support and redundancies.

  4. Cross-network promotion of your podcast.

  5. Revenue sharing with the network*.

  6. Access to our advertiser and affiliate networks*.

*FreedomCast, Inc. reserves the right to negotiate merger conditions for the podcast network in-perpetuity.

All conditions will be subject to grandfathered contracts of member podcasts in the network.