Michael Lewis Michael Lewis


What's the difference between Mature and Immature?

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Why you NEED Bitcoin - Part 3
Bitcoin, Dollar, Economy, Monetary Policy Michael Lewis Bitcoin, Dollar, Economy, Monetary Policy Michael Lewis

Why you NEED Bitcoin - Part 3

The fundamental nature of the dollar is to rob the future in attempts to help the present. Unfortunately, that causes a devalued currency, high prices, and insurmountable debt. The dollar is broken at its core. Opt out of a system of debt slavery, weakening currency, and cheap goods by storying your hard work in Bitcoin; a superior money that promises freedom and economic flourishing.

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Why you NEED Bitcoin - Part 2
Michael Lewis Michael Lewis

Why you NEED Bitcoin - Part 2

I debunk many popular myths surrounding bitcoin including its energy use, the comparison to gold, what's backing bitcoin, its inherent value, and much more. My goal is for you to view bitcoin in a new light and ultimately take the Orange Pill.

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